Hello, it’s me.

Much like our Queen Adele, I have returned after a little break and I am sure the whole world is just as excited about it. I have decided to resurrect the sophieredgell URL and leave the world of sophieinnewyork in its own separate blog to look back on when I’m missing my time in the US of A.

I am now in the fourth and final year of my degree as a Business and Management student at Aston Univeristy. I’ve been to my last freshers week (as an undergraduate at least) and have been living in Birmingham for 6 weeks already. I have to say, I really missed the place. It’s been fun catching up with people and hearing about what they got up to during their placement year.

You know what they say, time flies when you’re having fun. Well it turns out that time also flies when you’re a final year trying to graduate with a decent grade whilst stressing out about grad jobs and also attempting to have a bit of a social life. I am enjoying my time back here though. I lost a bit of enthusiasm for my studies in my first and second year but my study placement at Marist has made me actually rather enjoy learning again.

Something I’m really excited for this year is Bonfire night! Fireworks and sparklers are illegal in New York (but guns are cool??) so I celebrated last year by skyping my friend Lauren and we sang Firework by Katy Perry whilst Lauren threw some ripped up pieces of paper in the air to be pretend in-door fireworks. It may not sound extravagant but I really appreciated my buddy Lorenzo that evening when I wished I could pop back to England for a few hours. So here’s to bobble hats and looking at a pretty sky to celebrate the Monarchy. Have a good bonfire night everyone!

Sophie x

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