Puppy Love

Hello everyone! I’ve taken a little break from social media for a few weeks and have just been enjoying being at home. We have a new addition to the Redgell family who has been taking up most of my time: Rufus! He is a cockerpoo – a mix between a cocker spaniel and a miniature poodle – and he’s just a playful little ball of fluff. He’s 19 weeks old now, so basically 4 months, (I’m trying really hard not to talk about him like a mother talks about a newborn baby) and it’s strange how quickly he’s become part of the family.

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My Dad moved house whilst I was living in America so I stayed in the new house for the first time when I came home for a few weeks over Christmas and that’s it really. Rufus joined the family the day after I came home from New York this summer so it’s hard to remember living in this house without the little fluff ball. IMG_8333

My days back in England now consist of teaching swimming (I’m casually employed around my university timetable), seeing friends, and taking Rufus on walks and doggy play dates. It’s been very fun!IMG_8312

Sophie x

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